‘Two Guipuzcoans from Mutriku and Elgoibar in the square in Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa)’. Author: Juan San Martín, 1960. Source: GipuzkoaKultura.
Recently, on a trip to Venice, I saw a shop window with a jacket for sale and a sign that identified it with the word ‘giacca’.
I didn’t hesitate to take a photo and send it to a friend, one of those who delight in linguistic curiosities, accompanied by an audio to explain it to him, since it is obvious that ‘giacca’ is similar to the word ‘jaka’ that we use in Basque to call that same garment.
Traveling alone has these things, there are moments of boredom that you don’t know how to fill. But the fact is that my friend liked the story of that word so much that he encouraged me to tell it.