
Frosted oak leaves. Akaitze Kamiruaga

Akaitze Kamiruaga. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Winters are much milder than in times past. Frosts were more frequent then, and it used to snow more than it does now, according to numerous ethnographic testimonies.

Except for sudden, exceptional episodes of severe weather caused by so-called polar vortices, prolonged spells of ice and snow have all but vanished for much of the territory, and snow today lies for a couple of days and melts away. (more…)

Flock of sheep grazing in Mount Oiz (Bizkaia), 2002. José Ignacio García Muñoz

Flock of sheep grazing in Mount Oiz (Bizkaia), 2002. José Ignacio García Muñoz. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

It being such a rainy winter in our country, I have been reminded of a legend retold by shepherds in the course of fieldwork conducted in localities bordering Mount Oiz in 1997. Neither too much rain nor too much sun are indeed known to be beneficial to pastures and soils. (more…)


Ears of maize drying. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Not much work would be done out in the fields during the winter. Inclement conditions did not allow it, and the soil was given a chance to rest. Farmers took advantage of this time of the year to tackle other chores which also required attention and dedication. (more…)