Ethnographic Atlas

Ethnographic Atlas

The main purpose behind the Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country collection is to gather systematically information about the facts of traditional culture. To date seven volumes have been published on the following themes: food, children’s games, funeral rites, rites of passage, livestock and shepherding, popular medicine and home and family.

Based on the criteria established by the late José Miguel de Barandiaran, the Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country compilation brings together the results obtained by researchers from fieldwork. The Labayru Fundazioa writing team unifies the resulting corpus of surveys, compiles relevant information from essays and journals, sifts material sent in by researchers, systematizes the work chosen for publication, writes the accompanying texts and prepares editions.

All this gives a general overview of the subject researched, while putting the ethnography of the Basque Country on a level comparable with the kind of material published elsewhere.

As the range of subjects increases, an exhaustive encyclopaedia registering 20th century lifestyles throughout the Basque region comes into relief.