
Badger. Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

By Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash.

Peoples have forever, since prehistoric times, searched for means to guarantee their protection, from dances to human sacrifices and all sorts of rituals. Without looking further back into history, the need to protect ourselves, our family, our house, our properties… is as vital at this moment of pandemic as ever before, always bearing in mind a logical evolution. (more…)


Group of hunters. Felipe Manterola Collection. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

The Urdaibai estuary, formerly known as the Mundaka or Gernika estuary, is a natural reserve at the mouth of the river Oka, which originates in the neighbourhood of Zugastieta in the municipality of Muxika in Bizkaia, where several springs converge. It was named after the now ruined tower of Urdaibai (urde ‘pig’ and ibai ‘river’) back in the 1970s. (more…)