
Argazkia: Akaitze Kamiruaga. Labayru Fundazioaren Argazki Artxiboa.

Photo credit: Akaitze Kamiruaga. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

I know many of you can’t hide your disgust when you see snails. And others of you will be drooling as soon as you see the dish. Well, I should point out to everyone that snails are a great source of protein; an ideal food, as they help build muscles.

Snails were also widely used as a cure throughout Euskal Herria. For example, snail slime mixed with sugar was sometimes taken to cure whooping cough. The slime was also used to make ointments, as its constituents are very good for the skin.


Strings of red peppers and onions. Akaitze Kamiruaga

Strings of red peppers and onions. Akaitze Kamiruaga. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

As Miguel de Unamuno said, natives of Bilbao are genuinely referred to as bilbainos and bilbainas, rather than by their quadrisyllabic counterparts. Indeed, placing the accent marks on bilbaínos and bilbaínas requires an immense effort for a Bilbao born and bred, because it contradicts the way we pronounce them, the two consecutive vowels they contain remaining bound in the same syllable. The voice of local citizens is probably the best source of evidence for the correct spelling and pronunciation of words that identify them. So the absence of hiatus is therefore more than justified. (more…)