

Day of the geese. Lekeitio (Bizkaia), 1995. José Ignacio García Muñoz.

Saint Roch and Saint Antoninus were the patron saints of the fishing port of Lekeitio, in Bizkaia, up to the 18th century, when the papacy asked for patronal festivals to be reduced and a random drawing finally tipped the balance in favour of the latter. St Antoninus’ Day is celebrated on 2 September, controversial goose pulling, on 5 September, having taken over as the big attraction among visitors who flood in to enjoy the numerous events that take place during the feast days. (more…)

Table of authorities by José Arrue

Agintarien mahaia. Table of authorities by José Arrue. Courtesy of Orozkoko Garrafa Kultur Elkartea.

Cannot beat a nice cold drink on a hot summer day!

But, believe it or not, drinking iced beverages was not customary in ancient times. It was not until the 14th century that physicians incorporated ice into their practice, arguing that it cured burning fevers and protected against the plague. (more…)