
Zeanuriko kofradien arteko bola txapelketa Altzustako bolatokian (2022-X-1).

Zeanuri brotherhood skittle championship at Altzusta bowling alley (1-X-2022). Photo credit: Jon Urutxurtu.

The game of skittles is at risk of disappearing. The gradual loss of the game of skittles and the decline of the rural world happened at around the same time in the mid-20th century, and was mainly due to the population exodus from the countryside to industrial cities.

If it is now a minority sport, it was nearly as popular as Basque pelota in the past. Hundreds of skittle alleys — bolalekuak or bolatokiak — have been lost and, above all, the culture of the game is no longer passed down from generation to generation.

There are many versions of skittles in Euskal Herria and in other areas of the Spanish state. Fifteen different versions, some of which have already disappeared, can be found in the province of Bizkaia alone. One of them is the Zeanuri version. The skittle alleys that still exist are alongside some of the chapels of the town’s seven districts or brotherhoods; the game is played there once a year, on the feast day of the chapel.
