

Txakolin(a) or Txakoli is the name of a wine traditionally made in part of the north of Spain and which has had denomination of origin status in Euskal Herria for some time now.

In the social and cultural arena, it is the name for a venue (building, commercial premises, etc.) where that drink could be enjoyed and was sold.

However, it is little known that it is also the name of the dance, performed throughout Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and, to a lesser extent, Araba, with variations in choreography, melody and lyrics.



Iker Ugalde. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

It is grape harvest time in the Basque Country. Txakolin wine producers sample their grapes to check acidity levels, sugar content, and three or four other parameters, in search of optimal fruit maturity.

Home winemaking was once customary in our country. Most farmhouses would keep some vines, on orchard and field margins, typically, or in rows between cultivated fields, to make the so-called txakolina — a slightly sparkling, dry white wine— for their own consumption. A quarter of a century ago there would be just over a dozen hectares of vineyards in Bizkaia; today there are more than four hundred. (more…)